这个人从2008年之前帮了APE振力。 这段时间不容易。非常感谢这些人吃了很多苦为了APE振力。
Thing ring is awarded to those who started at APE on or before 2008 when Shanghai ZhenLi first started. This particular time was especially difficult. We honor the ones who stuck out the hard times.
Thing ring is awarded to those who started at APE on or before 2008 when Shanghai ZhenLi first started. This particular time was especially difficult. We honor the ones who stuck out the hard times.

这个人从2010年之前帮了APE振力。 这段时间不容易。非常感谢这些人吃了很多苦为了APE振力。
Thing ring is awarded to those who started at APE China (ZhenLi) on or before 2010. In 2010 we moved to the BaoShan to a larger facility. Although an exciting time, any big change to a company adds a lot of hardship to those involved. We thank those who were with us at that time.
Thing ring is awarded to those who started at APE China (ZhenLi) on or before 2010. In 2010 we moved to the BaoShan to a larger facility. Although an exciting time, any big change to a company adds a lot of hardship to those involved. We thank those who were with us at that time.

This award is for those who have been to the United States for training at our Headquarters in Seattle, Washington USA.
This award is for those who have been to the United States for training at our Headquarters in Seattle, Washington USA.

Having a drivers license in China is a big deal. It is not easily obtained and can require up to $1,000 USD in expensive training fees and limited training times. These APE employees took the time to acquire a China drivers license, which greatly improves their ability to do their job.
Having a drivers license in China is a big deal. It is not easily obtained and can require up to $1,000 USD in expensive training fees and limited training times. These APE employees took the time to acquire a China drivers license, which greatly improves their ability to do their job.

Having a drivers license in China is a big deal. It is not easily obtained and can require up to $1,000 USD in expensive training fees and limited training times. These APE employees took the time to acquire a China drivers license, which greatly improves their ability to do their job.
Having a drivers license in China is a big deal. It is not easily obtained and can require up to $1,000 USD in expensive training fees and limited training times. These APE employees took the time to acquire a China drivers license, which greatly improves their ability to do their job.

Navision 能力 (Navision Ability)
Navision 能力
Has had training in Navision can effectively use it on a daily basis.
Has had training in Navision can effectively use it on a daily basis.
Solid Works 3D能力
Solid Works 3D能力
This employee has the ability to effectively use Solid Works 3D program and has formal training.
This employee has the ability to effectively use Solid Works 3D program and has formal training.

This employee has the ability to speak both English and Chinese at a professional level.
This employee has the ability to speak both English and Chinese at a professional level.

This employee has been at APE for one year.
This employee has been at APE for one year.

有两年 (APE 2 YEAR)
This employee has been at APE for 2 years.
This employee has been at APE for 2 years.

This employee has been at APE for 3 years.
This employee has been at APE for 3 years.

再加1 (+1 APE)
This star is given for the 4th year at APE. A star is given each year the initial 3 years.
This star is given for the 4th year at APE. A star is given each year the initial 3 years.

1个星: 基本能力。
2个星: 中级能力。
3个星: 高级能力。
1 STAR: This person has basic level of power unit skills.
2 STAR: This person has an intermediate level of power unit skills.
3 STAR: This person has achieved an advanced level of power unit skills.
2个星: 中级能力。
3个星: 高级能力。
1 STAR: This person has basic level of power unit skills.
2 STAR: This person has an intermediate level of power unit skills.
3 STAR: This person has achieved an advanced level of power unit skills.

1个星: 基本能力。
2个星: 中级能力。
3个星: 高级能力。
1 STAR: This person has basic skill level of vibratory hammers.
2 STAR: This person has an intermediate skill level of vibratory hammers.
3 STAR: This person has achieved an advanced skill level of vibratory hammers.
2个星: 中级能力。
3个星: 高级能力。
1 STAR: This person has basic skill level of vibratory hammers.
2 STAR: This person has an intermediate skill level of vibratory hammers.
3 STAR: This person has achieved an advanced skill level of vibratory hammers.

1个星: 基本能力。
2个星: 中级能力。
3个星: 高级能力。
1 STAR: This person has basic skill level of the APE hydraulic system.
2 STAR: This person has an intermediate skill level the APE hydraulic system.
3 STAR: This person has achieved an advanced skill level of the APE hydraulic system.
2个星: 中级能力。
3个星: 高级能力。
1 STAR: This person has basic skill level of the APE hydraulic system.
2 STAR: This person has an intermediate skill level the APE hydraulic system.
3 STAR: This person has achieved an advanced skill level of the APE hydraulic system.

1个星: 基本能力。
2个星: 中级能力。
3个星: 高级能力。
1 STAR: This person has basic skill level of diesel engines.
2 STAR: This person has an intermediate skill level of diesel engines.
3 STAR: This person has achieved an advanced skill level of diesel engines.
2个星: 中级能力。
3个星: 高级能力。
1 STAR: This person has basic skill level of diesel engines.
2 STAR: This person has an intermediate skill level of diesel engines.
3 STAR: This person has achieved an advanced skill level of diesel engines.